Privacy Policy

Legal document that discloses how an organization collects, uses, discloses, and manages customer or client data.

Privacy Policy and Information on the Processing of Your Personal Data

What is a Privacy Policy?

1.1. In this privacy policy, we explain who is responsible for the processing of personal data when you order goods or services from us. We also describe the personal data we process, how and why we process it, and the legal basis for our processing. Additionally, we identify third parties that may process your personal data to enable us to provide the goods and services you’ve ordered. You will also find information about your rights regarding our processing of your personal data and how to exercise these rights.

Important Terms and Concepts

2.1. To help you understand our privacy policy, here are some key terms:

“Personal Data”: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, such as a name, identification number, location data, or an online identifier (e.g., IP address).

“Processing”: Any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, such as collection, storage, modification, retrieval, use, disclosure, or deletion.

“Colony Affiliate”: A person or company registered with Colony as a reseller of Colony’s products.

Who is Responsible for the Processing?

3.1. Colony Global Srl is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. In this document, "We" refers to Colony Global Srl, and "You" refers to the individual ordering goods or services, or expressing interest in doing so.

General Information on Our Processing of Personal Data

4.1. We only process the personal data necessary for the purposes outlined in Section 5. We also have procedures to ensure that your personal data is kept accurate and relevant.

4.2. We collect data directly from you during the ordering process. Providing the requested information is necessary for us to process your order and enter into an agreement with you.

Which Personal Data We Process and Why

5.1. For Delivering Goods and Services: When you order from us, we process your personal data (e.g., name, address, email, phone number, and IP address) to fulfill our agreement with you, including processing your order, managing payments, and providing customer service. This data is referred to as “Ordering Data.”

5.2. When You Use Our Website: We automatically collect technical data (e.g., IP address, login details, and device information) when you use our website. This “User Data” is processed to manage your user account, verify your identity, and enhance our services.

5.3. For Marketing: We process your personal data to market our products to you, based on our legitimate interest in promoting our goods. This processing continues for up to one year after our customer relationship ends.

5.4. Legal Obligations: We may also process your data to comply with legal requirements, such as maintaining accounting records.

Consent and the Right to Be Forgotten

6.1. In certain cases, you may provide additional information, such as uploading a profile picture or participating in promotions. This data is processed with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time, in which case, the relevant data will be deleted.

How We Process Your Information and Who Has Access

7.1. Your data is primarily processed within Colony and by related companies. It may also be shared with Colony Affiliates for commission purposes, as well as with service providers like delivery companies. We also use subcontractors who may access your data as part of their services.

7.2. Colony does not share your data with other companies for marketing purposes.

Where Your Personal Data is Stored

8.1. Your data is stored mainly within the EU/EEA, with some exceptions.

Data Processed Outside the EU/EEA

9.1. Some data processors, such as customer service providers, are located outside the EU/EEA, including in the United States and Canada. Data transfers to Canada are considered safe under EU standards, while transfers to the U.S. are protected by standard contractual clauses.

Your Rights

10.1. Access: You have the right to request information about the data we process about you and obtain a copy free of charge.

11.1. Correction and Deletion: If you believe your data is incorrect, you can request a correction or deletion.

12.1. Objection: You can object to our processing of your data for marketing purposes at any time, and we will stop processing your data for these purposes.

13.1. Restriction: You may request that we limit the processing of your data under certain conditions, such as if you believe the data is inaccurate.

14.1. Data Portability: You have the right to receive the personal data you provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.


15.1. We take your privacy seriously. If you have concerns about how we handle your data, please contact us.

Contact Us

16.1. You can reach us at Colony Global Srl, Piazza Grande, 12 - 47893 - Borgo Maggiore Republic of San Marino (RSM).

16.2. For customer service, contact us at +39 377 67 05 618 or via email at [email protected]

Email us

Email us for general queries, including marketing and partnership opportunities.


Piazza Grande, 12, Borgo Maggiore , San Marino, Republic of San Marino, Economic Operator N. 30873 Licence N. 11621